Brad, Deb, Tyler and Mia would like to welcome you to our lives, by sharing with you some photos of us growing up and discovering new things together.

30 August 2006

Uncle Mike
Us with Great Nan - she's 91!
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15 August 2006

The proud parents of Tyler
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The Pettit Family welcomes Tyler!
Pop Pettit Posted by Picasa

Going for a walk along the broadwalk

Nan Pettit What! i have two nanas
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Is it bathtime already
Clean and happy with my mommy
Pop Rudder
Pop & Nan Rudder Posted by Picasa

11 August 2006

Tyler with Nan

Yummy finger!! Posted by Picasa

08 August 2006

Our beautiful son Tyler

Posted by Picasa My daddy looks a bit tired

Tyler jesus pose

I'm hungry!

Peek a boo i see you

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Power to the people!

Tyler getting some sleep
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07 August 2006

Tyler sleeping
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Tyler Pettit born 04/08/2006,
4.20am,2.6kg or 5lb 12oz
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who says giving birth is hard
I need my sleep now
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